Seperated - Usher http://ansarimyautobiography
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.Wednesday, April 15, 2009 ' 7:59 AM

Hey!holiday is like over!and i need more of holidays so i can sleep very tired wo always reach home at 3 in the morning.can mati ah...To all my Strivers athletics aKa B.P sorry for leaving the team without telling u guys anything before i just leave u sorry lads..i know u guys are all angry at me bt theres something that makes me want to leave our training sure u guys will grow and improve and will win all the games that is coming always support u guys my stopper whom i played with almost all matches muhd Azri.its been great to play along side u man.thnx for covering up the mistakes that ive made and i cant cover back up.stay a great stopper always im currently not playing quite well trying to get back where i left after my injuries and problems thats hard for im trying at car park C.myb im gona get a call up to play the division 2 league for my friends team and in trial for my company soccer team.take care guys and im sorry once more.Strivers all the way ah!!!!

And to the special someone,take care always of yourself be a great person and study hard aites.
Strive to win and Shun defeat!Jai Ho!!!Ily.

.Saturday, April 11, 2009 ' 1:12 AM

Sometimes it's hard just to be yourself.I know you know.So close to tears, wanting to give up.I felt all alone.But now you're here Right by my side And I just want you to know You give me wings when I'm falling You lift me up when I'm down Taking me high, touching the sky .Yeah you make me fly Now I am stronger than I was before.Because of you Feel so alive and I'm wanting more I can't believe it's true.Now you're here Right by my side.Don't ever let me go You give me wings when I'm falling.You lift me up when I'm down Taking me high, touching the sky.Yeah you make me,You give me wings when I'm faling.That's why I sing to you, oYou give me wings when I'm falling.You lift me up when I'm down .Taking me high ,touching the sky.Yeah you make me.

.Friday, March 6, 2009 ' 7:20 AM

today was like freaking boring.u knw what?i never go school ah.i taught of caboting my 1st lesson then go for my 2nd lesson.then alamak.i woke up half an hour b4 m class start,then i quickly wake up take my towel and go to the toilet.brush my teeth and singing pt shampoo and soap then beram from the when i wipe myself the n think to myself if i change and blabla.then wit for bus it will take 1 hour.then whats the point of going to school.comfirn my crazy tcher wont take i change to my home shirt ang get out and search for FOOD!!!haahh!very hungry sia...hehe!after makan and disturb my bro.then i go work at mosque.that the job that i will never quit man.COMFIRM!.so went to whitesands for awhile to buy my soccer socks cause my old sock toyol eat untill very the i choose what socks i wana but so at last i grab the white nike happily go training using in the end bloody fool after training the socks dirty so stupid man.hahah!

.Wednesday, February 18, 2009 ' 7:33 AM

Hey there lads..its been so long i didnt post anything.well im just tired and sick with my leg.well i got to go to the hospital this friday.myb need to x-ray or something.i really need to heal as soon as possible.i freaking really need to get back to my form.urgh!dammit!!i need to get back on my team seriously and i freaking want to lead my team again.everything just making me go its up to me to make the quit or not to quit?ive been thinking about this for so the answer wont come out from my brain.seriously ansari u need to wake up man.Urgh!!!!................

a cotton of blue shirt...


.Monday, February 2, 2009 ' 6:33 AM

Saturday was my worst day ever.i was ask to play when im freaking injured.and u know what i got red carded on the 75th minit.the story goes like this.:my teammate pass the ball to me and i wanted to pass it to the sriker but eventually the ball roll slowly so the oppponent ran after the ball,so what was on my mind was to just slide and get the ball back from the my leg hit the ball first then the opp leg'.im like what the hell..the referee was like freaking blind man.i got the ball first then hit the opponents should atleast be a warning or a yellow card.i was freaking disgusted by thr referee untill my mates ran to the referee and shout at him.with sadness and pain from my injury.i walk slowly of the pitch.thinking whats wrong with me!haiss!
i was dissapointed in myself..........


.Friday, January 30, 2009 ' 7:29 AM

My Goodness!im starting to hate myself right frustrated and down .Tomorrow is like my teams soccer match.and im not playing because of my leg.damm!when will my leg fully recover?i got two injuries on the right leg(muscle tear and dislocated ankle)i need to run and kick some really stress with my studies and i dont even know if i can even cope with everything that is surrounding me right now.i just feel like breaking down and throw all the books away.everything just comes and go..but i guess theres nothing i can do but to force myself to study and recover soon.haiss!never knew how long it last....and to my close friend zul whom is freaking quiet.please think twice before u make ur decision.i dont want u to be treated like me.......


.Wednesday, January 21, 2009 ' 12:18 AM

You say the words but girl it don't feel right.What do you expect me to say.You take my hand And you say you've changed.But girl you know your begging don't fool me.Because to you it's just a game.So let me on down.Cause time has made me strong..I'm starting to move on..I'm gonna say this now.Your chance has come and gone.And you know..And I can't wait.But you know all the right things to say.You say you dream of my face But you don't like me.You just like the chase.To be real.It doesn't matter trying to be strong...

My Autobiography
When a heart doesnt breakeven

Totally Me
Here is where you know the real truth about my life.the ups and downs.
the sacrifices that ive made



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